For over 25 years, from a small private construction firm to a full-line construction group
Founded in 1985, B.K.K. (1985) Public Company Limited has grown in
size and diversity to become one of the leading construction firms in
Thailand. Registered as a public company in 1996, with a start up
capital of 490 millions Baht, the company has developed and
constructed several billions Baht worth of buildings and
infrastructure. Our work ranges from buildings such as residential
complex, hotels, hospitals, industrial plants, to infrastructure
including, but not limited to, natural gas pipeline, flood prevention
dam, wastewater treatment plants, and road construction.
Today, our teams of experienced engineers and personnel remain
committed to excellence, integrity and customer's satisfaction. These
principles have guided us in the past, and will continue to provide us
with strength and wisdom to undertake the future challenges.